Still no score in the second half.
Free-kick La Rohelle. The forwards of Castres cannot stabilize the scrum.
Castres ring a few changes.
Great line-break from Mathieu Babillot, he offloads the ball to a support runner but ball is helled up. TMO says no try.
Initially the maul makes plenty of metres, but Castres manage to keep the maul from collapsing. Turnover ball, scrum Castres.
La Rochelle sets up the driving maul from the line-out.
Kockett with yet another line-break, this time off the base of the ruck. His pass unfortunately is passed directly into touch.
La Rochelle scrum destroys the forwards of Castres. West can exit their 22 with a penalty kick. Absolute power.
Expect a big scrum from the home team.
Kockett breaks but loses the ball forward. Some strong carries by the forwards of Castres. Scrum La Rochelle underneath their own posts.