Parra misses a kick at goal with the last play so Clermont leave with nothing. Parra missed four kicks and that was the difference on the day.
Bayonne have another penalty and with two minutes to go you would think this is it.
Bustos Moyano misses and Clermont still have a chance.
Bayonne win a penalty at the scrum and have a chance to take this game out of sight.
Bayonne win a penalty and clear the ball.
Clermont are putting on more pressure now and Bayonne have a lineout on their own 5m line.
Parra has been off with the boot today and he shanked another one there. Clermont have left a lot of points out there today.
And he gets it. Bayonne lead 15-9.
The Bayonne pack maul it all the way to the Clermont line and Clermont are penalised for collapsing. Bustos Moyano has a shot at goal.
Clermont immediately win a penalty from the restart and Parra cuts the Bayonne lead back to 3.