Can Australia for once just congratulate the better team and stop making excuses !!! Just once !
As an Australian, Is Eddie Jones the difference? England were soooo bad in the World Cup. Congrats on the 3-0 win. I'll give credit when credit is due.
Scotland 2 points ahead of Japan
Our boys showed heart to edge the Aussies who were playing with their hearts, but where did our great white wall from the 2nd test go?? Did it leave with Haskell? Seriously happy for the lads but Eddie will be ruthless regardless of the win.
Don't think any country can comment on having people in their side from other country! SH sides stuffed with South Sea islanders!!!
I'm sure the tune would be different had they won. 😁
Well done England, fantastic achievement, from a nervous Scotland fan!
They lost a series, not much to shout about 😂
credit where its due. england played well and to their strengths. australia have alot of work to do. particularly in the halves. still alot of time until the next world cup but the bledisloe isnt looking good
Dylan Hartley the Kiwi