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Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

After the scrum is reset, Mako are able to win it as they send it wide

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Mako are awarded with a scrum inside the Auckland 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Mako win their lineout and deliver a quick maul before sending it out soon afterwards

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

O'Malley clears for touch inside the Auckland 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sullivan is sent off for a deliberate knock on

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Manu goes down to the ground with an injury but it will allow the ref to look at a potential deliberate knock on by Sullivan

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

McDonald's throw in is good on the Auckland ten metre line and Mako attack hard

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

David Havili clears the ball downfield and Plummer gathers it and marks it before sending it out for touch over his ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Auckland receive a penalty from the lineout and attempt to clear for touch but it fails to find touch

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Paea is seen to be touching the touchline with his torso before dotting the ball down and the try is overturned