Rees Worthington
Feb 2
it's not on BBC 2 scotland

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Bowe scores over in the corner!
Warren James Mcneely
Feb 2
I live in Northern Ireland, and I have sky TV? not sport but I have sky box
Robert Johnston
Feb 2
Don't have sky, in Northern Ireland

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Ulster get rewarded for all their efforts, some quick hands from the back backs sees Bowe get over in the corner
Warren James Mcneely
Feb 2
bbc 2 Scotland showing it if you have sky
Robert Johnston
Feb 2
Any websites to live stream?

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Ulster get clean ball form the scrum and immediately look to flash it wide
Stephen Colliar
Feb 2
What was pyrgos thinking? He just gave the ball away 5 m from the line.

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Pienaar picks and goes and is stopped just 1m shy of the line, the ball shoots out on the Glasgow side, Peter Horne scampers back and Ulster force him to touch it down for a 5m scrum