Penalty WP as Griquas infringing at scrum time. Damian Willemse kicks to the corner but he rushes his kick and hits it dead. Griquas scrum.

Scrum just inside the WP half to the away side.

Arendse bounces off a few WP players going forward but his offload doesn't go to Adendorf's hands.

Home side now have a crucial 10 point lead with 7 to go.

Penalty in the 22 but WP are penalised as Coetzee infringes at the breakdown. Whitehead to go for the sticks.

Griquas look to go wide, in an attempted tackle Jones knocks on, scrum Griquas 40 out.

Penalty Griquas at the scrum, ball goes into touch from Whitehead

Whitehead nails it and Griquas move 7 ahead, as Willemse kick off goes out on the full.

Penalty Griquas as Jones not rolling away at the tackle and they opt for the sticks.

Damian Willemse kicks it dead from inside his own half giving Griquas great field position.