Atkinson with the linebreak offloads to Braley but he is tracked down by a brilliant tackle from Gary Graham.

Strong carries by Sharples and Slater.

Youngs with the kick downfield is well fielded by Banahan.

Falcons manage to get hand on ball. They set up a few phases but the Gloucester defence stand firm.

Gloucester receive the ball from the kickoff. Cipriani clears his 22 with a massive kick downfield.

Billy with the brilliant kick from the corner.

That is Sharples´ 10th Premiership try of the season.

Sharlpes receives a flat pass from Ackerman to cross over in the right corner.

Yet another penalty is kicked towards touch. Referee calls Flood closer and issues another warning.

Strong carry from the line out by Twelvetrees as Gloucester target the midfield. Flood has made his way back onto the park.