TRY TIME for Maties as van der Merwe bashes it up and places it under heavy traffic
TMO coming in to play as there seems to be a try
Tight head for Maties
Nothing comes of it as the clear out by van der Merwe was legitimate. 5m defensive scrum UJ
White Card asked for by UJ as they look for foul play on Porter
Maties 2m out as they string the phases together - Barry shoots for the line, goes over but drops it.
UJ are defending a lot more in this half and fortunately for them Maties keep knocking it
The home side seem to be rejuvenated at the moment and are playing some more positive rugby
UJ force Maties to lose it and they kick down field into space. Barry runs it out and they kick it clear
TRY TIME for Maties as a number of passes went to ground but they managed to settle things down and pop the ball to de Villiers after Loubser broke the line