Maul is hauled down, Ben Toolis is singled out and gets a yellow. 1 and half mins to go

Good LO as Furno takes it. Italy maul makes yards

One more chance for Italy as Horne misses touch. Scotland pinged for going off there feet and Allan goes back to the corner. LO Italy on the Scottish 22

And Scotland do hols out! Penalty Scotland as the Italian fron row goes down. 3 and a half mins to go

Its surely going to come down to this set of scrums. Can Scotland hold out? Scrum goes down again and we reset

Scrum goes up and so we reset. Testing times for the Scottish scrum here

LO won, Scotland just about defend the maul. The Italians actually get over the line but are held up. Scrum 5

Italy manage to set up another maul and draw out a penalty. Allan goes into the corner. Nervous moments here for Scotland

Furno takes it at the LO, Italy on the attack in the Scotland 22

Italy march forward at the scrum, penalty finally awarded. Allan goes down the line