Newsome runs a nice inside line. Beale out to the touchline to Nawaqanitawase. He is taken into touch.

Abel hits his jumper. Tahs maul

Penalty against the Crusaders as they are caught offside.

Foketi carries from the over thrown lineout;.

Sloppy lineout and a sloppy kick by Harrison and Jordan takes it in the air. Robbie Abel gets over it at the breakdown and wins the penalty. Harrison to touch.

Attack down the short side as Jordan sprints down the flank. His chip and chase goes into touch for a Tahs throw.

Lineout to the Crusaders as Waratahs are taken out.

Harrison gets things underway with deep kick to Mo'unga. He sends it long and Beale races back.

Welcome to the first week of Super Rugby 2020! The mighty Crusaders take on a strong NSW Waratahs in Trafalgar Park. The Crusaders are the current holders of the trophy and therefore come into today's fixture with a lot of confidence. The Waratahs didn't do too badly last season but will be looking to improve their standings this year in order to obtain a play-off spot. It has not been made easy for them with their first match but the last match between these two teams was indeed won by the Waratahs.
The teams are playing in Nelson, New Zealand which currently has a comfortable temperature of 26°C and a humidity of 45%.
My name is Wade Solomon and this is Ultimate Rugby!