Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Edinburgh send the ball back and out and get pressurised by the hosts who eventually receive a scrum for their efforts in forcing a knock on

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Edinburgh receive a scrum on the halfway after the restart

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Edinburgh are penalised and it's a Bordeaux penalty in a kickable position

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

van der Walt receives it and relieves pressure for Edinburgh

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Barclay makes an immediate effect and steals the ball at the breakdown

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bordeaux build the pressure on the Edinburgh defence

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Mata goes off with an injury

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bordeaux have a lineout deep in the Edinburgh 22

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Kinghorn comes in from the side of the ruck and is blown, allowing Jalibert to kick for touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Edinburgh attack with the ball well into the Bordeaux half