Ultimate Rugby May 5

Brilliant break from Mauvaka charging deep into the 22, pick and go from Dupont who dives over

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Short side to Costes down the right and he plays it inside up to the 22

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Holding on and Toulouse win the penalty and they take the quick tap

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Final 5 minutes of the half

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Out to Lynagh on the left

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Green runs it back

Ultimate Rugby May 5

12 point ball game as Smith restarts, Ntamack clears

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Try stands

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Toulouse regather near the line and Dupont darts over, TMO will have a look for a possible knock on

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Out to Costes racing away down the right and he chips ahead and the race is on