Falcon into touch inside the Sunwolves 22.

Geledenhuys with a strong carry. Penalty against the Sunwolves for not releasing.

Ardron steals it at the lineout. The Chiefs attack.

TTT out to Falcon to Leger. Trask tries the kick through but it goes out on the full.

Reset at the scrum.

Outwide to Dargville but he spills it. Scrum to the Chiefs.

Knock on and the Sunwolves counter. Dargville beats a few defenders as the Sunwolves make it over the 10m line.

Promising attack as the Chiefs work their way into the Sunwolves 22.

The Chiefs turn it from the lineout and attack. The Sunwolves then turn it and go wide but are tackled into touch. The Chiefs take it quickly and spread it wide where it is kicked into the Sunwolves 22. April gets back and finds touch.

Turnover and Stevenson releases the pressure.