Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty to the Sunwolves from the kickoff

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sunwolves beat Brumbies at their own game as they set a strong rolling maul for Maafu to score

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sunwolves win another penalty. April kicks to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Paige makes a break into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies find touch on their 22m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies try to break out their 22m but knock on. Sunwolves quickly gather and Aoril stabs a kick through but the ball wins the race to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Teo is put into a gap but he knocks on 3m short

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Good work from the Sunwolves. Maafu breaks from the lineout and finds Paige on the blindside. He is tackled on the 5m before Sunwolves win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty to he Sunwolves for a high tackle

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sunwolves blow a good chance as they create numbers through April but Teo knocks on outside the 22m