Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Bumbies win a penalty from a scrum

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sunwolves knock on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

April restarts

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies go into halfway with a two try lead over the Sunwolves. Brumbies had most of the possession and territory so are good value for their lead but their was a 10m period before they scored on halftime, where they allowed Sunwolves into the game. Brumbies gave away five penalties in a row and will need to fix that in the 2nd half. Sunwolves will just want more possession as they have been brave on attack

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies go through the hands, Banks straightens his line before finding Kuridrani who skips out to Valetini on the wing. He goes untouched to score

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Teo loses the ball in a tackle. Miller picks up and takes it up

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies carry to the 22m but knock on

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

April kicks directly into touch. Brumbies lineout on the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brumbies win possession from the lineout before Lonergan chips over the top into touch on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Big kick from April as his finds touch inside the 22m