top14 rugby
Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

TMO being called in here as Racing may have scored

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The rain has got heavier

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

R92 win their line out, it is messy and Claassen cleans up

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bordeaux clear it but under huge pressure

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Knock on and Bordeaux have a chance to clear their lines if they keep up their strong scrumming

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

R92 10m out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Phillips snipes and uses the referee as a mini shield, he is allowed to play on

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty Bordeaux

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Hickey takes the ball to the line and Kitshoff crashes i tup

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bordeaux send it wide but nobody straightens the line making defending easier