Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Hodge with an aimless kick down the middle that goes dead

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

O Connor sends it high

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Another knock on in the 22m from the Rebels. They are looking a little desperate now

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Naisarani carries into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Reds kick deep

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Reds send it wide to Daugunu, who wriggles out the tackle to take it past halfway.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

McDermott and Toomua both off for an HIA

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Naisarani is smashed in the tackle and knocks on

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Penalty to the Rebels.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Sloppy work at the lineout from the Reds. Rebels have a go