A bit of a miss kick but Halfpenny gets Scarlets on the board after Ospreys were caught offside.
Halfpenny will take a shot at the three.
No advantage.
Owens runs hard at the line as Scarlets attack with the penalty advantage
Cassiem wins the lineout .
Ospreys are caught offside
Aled Davies sends it high following the restart and Halfpenny starts the counter after a nice catch.
Ospreys attack well from the lineout taking the ball left and right before they comeback the other way after Giles went just short. Watkin throws a good long pass out to North who has no one in front of him
Cracknell carries to the line. Kick through but Halfpenny reads it perfectly and smashes it out with a nice clearance kick.
Another maul by Ospreys and North carries off his wing to the line.