Nice hands from Castres down the short side puts Alexandre Bias in for a brilliant try in the corner.
The referee goes to the TMo to check for a forward pass but Bias thinks he's scored in the corner.
TRY Castres!
Lawes holding on. Castres clear up field. Discipline a major issue for the Saints.
Another side entry from Castres. Saints find touch on the Castres 22.
Northampton with a lackluster attack off the line out. Burrell knocks on in midfield. Scrum Castres.
Huge scrum from the visitors. Saints collapse and Castres can find some field position from the penalty.
Huge defensive effort from Castres. Saints fail to use it and Castres get the feed 5 meters from their line.
Saints go the corner and set the maul. Castres defending desperately.
Collapsing the Saints maul.