Nigelim May 5

Anyway were all venting our spleens over one match. Food for thought for the team and coaching staff. Should and will be stronger next year. In all of this lets not forget Axel- a gentleman and bed rock of Munster rugby. No doubt he'll be passing a few comments up there. God rest him.

Con Cussed May 5

Btw, great pro 12 league. Playoffs made it exciting. Great and deserved win by Scarlets.

Con Cussed May 5

Good to have Munster in the final 😊

Con Cussed May 5

No sign of the minnows in the final games,:(

Nigelim May 5

Agreed con cussed and amplified by Conor Murray in his interview. But to be so narrow defensively who's idea was that - throughout most of the game.

Frank Mcdonnell May 5

If the parts of a structure dont hold up their own bit the whole lot comes tumbling down.

Con Cussed May 5

They both have big squads. Not an issue. However, the minnows did the work to get both to the finals.

Neil Fox May 5

absolute pumping!

Leinster Exile. May 5

It was a slog of a season for Munster and Leinster. Don't forget they were in the last four of the Europeans. Its difficult to keep up that pace in both systems!

Con Cussed May 5

Is Ronan O'Mahony injuried? Would have been great asset today.