top 14
Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Lambie taps it and kicks it into touch and that's the game

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Racing take it quickly but Racing have the penalty

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Montpellier try to play it from the back of the scrum by the pass goes into touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Massive scrum by Racing but they shoved too early and the scrum will be reset

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Scrum 5 Montpellier's feed

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Just sort of the line and the ball is unplayable

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Montpellier using their forwards before sending it out to Cruden that finds another forward on pace

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Kornath wins the penalty for Montpellier and Steyn puts it out 5m from the line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Racing put under pressure at ruck time

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Lambies sends it wide