Ultimate Rugby May 5

Beale may be in a spot of bother here as he knocks the ball down. Should be a yellow card but it's only a penalty

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Great work by the Rebels as they held the Waratahs ball off the ground after Robinson takes it in from the line out

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Woodward puts the Rebels on the board and trail by just 5

Ultimate Rugby May 5

First phase set piece try, they don't get much better than that. Foley throws a dummy switch pass to Beale and then pops it inside to Horne, the blindside winger, to coast through the gap. He put the after burners on and out ran the defence and muscled over Woodward to score

Ultimate Rugby May 5

The Rebels venture into the Tahs half with a penalty as Hegarty sets up a line out just inside the 22

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Waratahs have only been in the Rebels 22 and the home side are feeling the pressure

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Kurtley Beale misses his first attempt as it goes off the right hand upright

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Massive game this for both sides as the Rebels are on a giant killing spree and the Waratahs have a terrible away record...Foley gets us started

Philip Vojnov May 5

come on rebels beat these tahs