November Internationals
Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Nicolas Sanchez breaks in the 22 after the Italian defence is found wanting. Allan looked up to find Imhoff out wide with a perfectly weighted pass. With a man to beat the winger showed some good feet to finish in the corner.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sergio Parisse gets bundled in a massive hit as emotions spill over and a few scuffles persist.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Martin Castrogiovanni gets in over the ball to force the penalty at the turn over to give Allan another shot at goal

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Early days yet but we're playing at a very fast pace as Cabello takes a quick 22 drop out to himself.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Arg on the attack after a good line out take off the back

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

In off the post. Good confidence boost for the youngster

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

The second scrum goes to deck as Chris Pollock awards a penalty to Italy. Allan lines up his first shot at goal

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Imhoff breaks around the fringes and sprints upfield. McLean is there to cover and forces the winger to put boot to ball

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Thankfully the first scrum goes to completion as Arg get a good shove on and Landajo grubbers down the line.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

We wait as a minutes silence is observed for the recent tragedies in Sardinia