Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Darcy spills a pass in the following attacking phase, and a promising LO platform goes to waste.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Jones finds a terrific touch when he collects an English up-and-under. The Saxon line-out goes awry, and the Irish regain possession. A penalty follows two phases later - tackler not releasing. Again Madigan opts for the corner.

John C. Jan 1

What happened to Fitzgerald ??

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Darcy finds space in the defensive line and tears through. He's isolated though, and is pinged for holding. Saxons kick for touch. LO just inside their half.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Wolfhounds pick up a free-kick at the scrum, and go about breaking down the English defence. 15 metres out.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Again Madigan kicks for the corner, but the LO throw is deemed crooked and the Saxons earn a scrum just inside their 22.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ireland look to build their way back towards the English line, picking up a penalty in the process - high tackle. Referee plays advantage, but nothing comes of it.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The Saxons turn over possession and clear the ball with a kick downfield.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Madigan drills for touch, and Earls makes a terrific break off the back of the LO - pirouetting out of a number of tackles before being dragged to ground just outside the Saxon 22.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ireland collect the kick-off and boot it down-field. Burgess gets his first touch in the ensuing counter-attack, but is penalised immediately - holding on the floor.