Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Simmers kicks the ball off the field and that's that for the half.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Again France go for a cross=kick but Fartass can't claim it this time. Last play of the half now

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum to France and they have a chance to clear

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scotland with possession on the French 22 now.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty to France and they'll have a shot at goal

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scotland have possession in their own half now

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Mikael Capelli drives over from 5 out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

France win a penalty and kick to touch. They win the lineout and N'tamack puts an accurate cross-kick into the arms of Fartass. France metres out now

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scotland knock on and again we'll have a french scrum. This time its on their 10m line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

N'tamack clears but Scotland run it back immediately