Deano Dec 12

Good man aiden

Ashley Lay Dec 12

No arms, cynically drops his shoulder!! Poor looser

Adrian Harvey Dec 12

Aiden you are a class act mate no wonder everybody is laughing at you !

Aiden Dec 12

Still be the embarrassments from the World Cup

Deano Dec 12

They didn't play nz so not a real clean sweep

Roger Adams Dec 12

Can someone tell me how Haley Petty was sin binned today because Mike Brown ran into him then fell over and got straight back up ... when 3 weeks ago the same ref let Sam Cane off scott free for knocking Robbie Henshaw out cold ? ? World Rugby are looking extremely disorganised and completely out of control of the rules of rugby right now ...

Ben Daish Dec 12

Cheers to that🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

Rowan Dec 12

Well done England

Aiden Dec 12


Aiden Dec 12

Whatever without your Aussie coach you'd be nothing