November Internationals
Cricket Nov 11

Nonu will run over no trees

Jason Bowman Nov 11

I like Ashton he has a very good try scoring record

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

England on the defensive now as Argentina batter at their line. The defence proves strong and force an error from the Puma backs.

Cricket Nov 11

Remember who the world champs are one win every 5 years doesent cut it

Jason Bowman Nov 11

Phil why you downing nearly every england player

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

The crowd find their voice again with an attacking line out 5m out. But their attack is lateral and is easily defended by the Pumas. Flood attempts to take the ball into contact but is hit by 3 men and Juan Manuel Leguizamon forces a penalty.

Kevin Hunter Nov 11


Patrick Walsh Nov 11

No he wont

Phil S. Nov 11

Why did Hartley even start the match. The only way the man should ever wear an England shirt is if he's bought it from JJB Sports.

Phil S. Nov 11

LOL Ryan Wilson