Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Try is awarded as Jonny Gray gets in on the act barging over the line and The Warriors are on course for the win.

Benjamin S. Nov 11

Sweet, here comes the climb to to top 4

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

We are going upstairs to the TMO where Glasgow might have finished off Cardiff.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Russell adds the extras and Glasgow go in front.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Grant barges over the whitewash from close range with Cardiff failing to keep them out.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Patchell splits the posts and now Cardiff lead by 5.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Cardiff making the man advantage count and Patchell will look to extend his sides lead with another penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Patchell can do no wrong and splits the posts to but the Blues back in front.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Wilson is sent to the bin for repeated infringements at the breakdown.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Fantastic run from Russell running the length of the field before being brilliantly tackled by his opposite number Patchell.