top 14
Ultimate Rugby May 5

Brive attacking well

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Serin on the ground receiving treatment but will continue

Ultimate Rugby May 5

A superb try as Lapeyre breaks through before offloading to Marais who gives it back to winger to score

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Serin to take a shot at goal

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Brive penalised for offside

Ultimate Rugby May 5

A great attack is halted by a knock on Brive have the scrum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Brive attacking from deep

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Fidow is tackled out and Brive have the throw

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Bordeaux get it back and Serin and Fidow combine well on attack

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Marais is penalised for going off his feet at the ruck