Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

the ball is grubbered and its a 5m lineout to saints

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

successful lineout b Beneton and they get a break

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ball was kicked high by Benetton, gathered by Furbank and offloaded to Slieghtholme for a try

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Benetton - Northampton
Tackles: 78 - 49
Missed Tackles: 7 - 10
Turnovers Won: 3 - 1

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Scrum Saints

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

the ball is knocked out wide but they will come back for the first knock

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Reinach on the ball

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

they are on the attack

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Benetton gather fro the kick

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Saints get a penalty for an early tackle