Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

No try, lost forward, Portugal had advantage so it's back for the penalty

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

TMO checking for a possible knock on

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Strong Portuguese maul and Tadjer gets it down at the back of the drive, also a yellow card for Aus as they had been on a warning and infringed

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Portugal look to set the drive 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Side entry at the maul, penalty Portugal and Portela pops it into the corner

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Portugal look to maul 10m out

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty for Portugal and Portela sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Out to Guedes on the left and he cuts inside

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Big scrum Portugal and they win a tight head

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Lost forward for an Aus scrum