it was an alright try. i still feel that the pumas should have won. i couldve given them a chance to be know a bit more
falto poco pero igual grande Pumas
Unlucky Argentina. Solid effort. Looking forward to NZ showing SA how to play rugby, again.
Yeah **** you Keenan you *****.
Shame for Argentina, blew a 16 point lead
How have Argentina lost!!!!! aaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Bad game but huge sigh of relief at the end.
And if Walsh knew his scrum laws they would be further in front
That was the most pathetic performance by Welsh I've ever seen, but sadly no fuss shall be made as it is only Hansen among the coaches who sees himself and his players as above the law. Heynecke is likely to not even comment on the ref. Our players were poor, team selection poor and the Argentines were brilliant yet the game was marred by a useless ref as both sides suffered under partial blindness and selective choices.
Argentina bottled that !