Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Holding on and France win the penalty, stoppage in play

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Quick hands as Arg take it into the 22

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Into the final quarter

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Hastoy chips ahead, superb 50-22 kick to touch from Carreras to give Arg an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Back to Carreras who clears, Barre puts it high, loose ball as Arg toe it ahead

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Arg back in front as Hastoy restarts onto Oviedo

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

The yellow card of Colombe will remain a yellow card after review

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Pick and go from Gallo who muscles over from close range

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Arg keep it tight

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Arg look to maul