Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Bordeaux beginning to come to life as we come into the final few minutes of the game

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Great dummy pass by Serin as he breaks through the middle

Dom P. Jan 1

Comon clermont

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Another chance lost for Bordeaux as they fail to secure their own line out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty UBB at their 10m

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Lopez collects loose ball and sends Bordeaux back into their half

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Good take by Jones in the line out

Bruce Vial Jan 1

Come on Bordeaux, need ya to win to help out Ulster

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Dubie carries along the touchline and gets bundled into touch by Nakaitaci

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Vakacegu looks to cut through the middle and gets taken down