Lima wins it with the conversion! What a game!
Loco scores in the right hand corner, he takes a beautiful inside ball!
Northland defends on their try line and they get the turnover!
Southland gets the penalty, less than 5 minutes and they need 5 points so they go for the corner!
What a game, every time Northland scores, Southland responds. Its a 1 point game and just more than 10 minutes to go!
Southland runs it all over the field and Boys scores!
Looks like a try from Northland for Wright, TMO rules the player wasn't in front of the kicker!
Northland runs the ball into Southlands 22m, but they get penalised for holding onto the ball on the ground.
great passing from Sopoaga and the last pass go's to Jackman and he scores!
Great passing from Southland , they run from their half and Kahukura scores in the left hand corner again!