Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

10 min left in the half and for the past 10 min all the Boks have done is defend. they really need to get their hands on the ball.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Heart breaking stuff for NZ as theu knock the ball on over the line, Boks have a scrum 5 meter out again.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

NZ held up over the line as the Boks faild to clear their line.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Great try saving tackle by the Boks, end to end stuff both side not giving a inch. Scrum 5 meter out Boks ball.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Boks strike back wit a intercept from Pollard as he sprints 40 meters to dive over for a try.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

NZ goes through 11 phases just to give away a penalty at ruck time, some great pillar defense by the Boks.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Baby Blacks draw first blood as Epalahame Faiva shows some great pace by a hooker and dives over for a great team try.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Haka complete Baby Black Playing from left to right as they get us underway. Boks takes the kick off clean and kick it back deep but not out NZ looking to run it from the word go.



Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Both team making their way onto the field. Lining up for the anthems then the haka.