Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Specman gets the ball and turns on the rockets, he is just too quick and he adds another.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA secure and run it.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA go for the line-out.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA steal it at the ruck, Wales come in hard and give SA the penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Wales win the penalty after SA infringe at the ruck. They tap and go.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA loose it at the ruck and Wales have a chance to run.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA intercept and charge but Wales defence seems to be holding.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Wales with a big tackle and Sa loose the ball, Wales get the penalty at the breakdown.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Wales penalised for leaving feet at the breakdown.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

SA swings it to Kok who runs it in and passes it to Nel who dots it down.