Lawes winns the lineout and Hutchinson breaks!
Lineout to Saints near halfway de Klerk's clearance.
Great work at the breakdown by Ludlam wins Saints the penalty which Biggar fails to put into touch.
Akker finds his jumper and Sale maul. Penalty to Sale and Faf takes it quickly. Out wide to Hammersly as they make their way up to halfway.
Biggar with a beaut of a spiral kick into touch in Sale's half.
Reinach box kicks off the back of the maul and he is charged down. Sale have it and attack. They look to go wide and Hammersly takes his eyes off it for a second and knocks it on. Scrum to Saints.
Lineout to Saints in their 22.
Long restart from du Preez and Biggar returns it long into touch but Sale return the kick through de Klerk. Reinach send it back and Sam James makes an excellent kick into Sale's 22.
Penalty against Evans for not rolling away quick enough and Saints call for the tee.
Reinach is tackled following the lineout but Saints continue to attack. Haywood is hit hard by the defence as Saints edge towards the 22.