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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The ball is brought back to Sale's penalty on the London Irish five metre line where they clear for the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sale send the ball across field after receiving an advantage. McGuigan almost gets to it but knocks it on in the process of dotting it down. The try is originally awarded but then turned over

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sale are awarded with a scrum penalty, clear for touch and win the lineout while mauling

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sale are awarded a scrum on the Irish five metre line as the visitors knock the ball on

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sale restart the match and Irish gather it deep in their 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Jackson lines up his tee

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The Exiles get a penalty as de Jager fails to roll away at the breakdown

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

London Irish maul from the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Irish get a scrum penalty and Jackson kicks for touch just shy of the Sale 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Scrum is reset