Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Held up over the line and they will scrum 5 Sale ball

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale look to maul over its inching forward

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Great touch finder by Cipriani as he sets up the lineout about 7m out from the line

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale with the scrum feed on their own 10m line, huge shove by the hosts and they win the penalty

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Tovey restarts, Sale put it high but Newport secure the ball

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale have numbers out wide and put it through the hands, Mujati is over for the try

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale chip into space but Newport manage to secure it at the back before clearing downfield

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Deliberate knock down

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Deliberate knock down with an over lap out wide

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Sale look to maul but it's moving sideways, great hands by Sale but it's been deliberately knocked down