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Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The try is converted

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

A maul is formed from the 5m line out and Creevy controls the ball at the back to score!

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty Irish

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Irish forms a maul from the line out and Creevy breaks away from the maul

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Schreuder is under pressure and runs the ball into touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The ball is kicked down the Irish half but Loader beats defenders to get the ball back inside the Falcons half

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Rona knocks the ball on but play goes on

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Irish forms a maul

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Radwan gathers and storms into the tackle but he is brilliantly defended, Penalty Irish

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Jackson restarts the game with the 22m restart