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Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

van der Walt gets a brilliantly waited pass and breaks the line

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Both teams are exchanging kicks looking for territory

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Schreuder clears and Parton looks to attack

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The Falcons steals the ball and Radwan makes the carry

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Irish turns the ball over again, Penalty Irish

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Mulopola tries to beat the defenders but he is brought down

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Irish turns the ball over and Phipps kicks the ball directly into touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Flood tries to dummy the defender but he is caught out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Phipps clears the ball but Petersen launches the attack

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Hodgson puts in a deep restart on Loader and he is brought down inside his 22m