Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

What a turn of events! Irish, only having just kicked a penalty, sees the youngster Marland Yarde crash over in the corner for his first try and Irish's second of the game! That makes it 4 tries in 3 games for the speedster! Bryn Evans takes most of the credit with a splitting run through the weakened Chiefs defence to set up an excellently worked team try! Humphreys adds the extras to extend the lead to 20-12.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Trouble for Chiefs! Tom James is shown a yellow card by referee Small after pulling a player back without the ball. Ian Humphreys capitalises on the extra man and slots his attempt between the posts - restoring Irish's lead to a single point. Chiefs will have to dig deep to make up for the man disadvantage!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A penalty from the resulting scrum gives Gareth Steenson an opportunity to take up where he left off. And the fly-half makes no mistake, putting his side back in the lead. The visitors now lead 10-12.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chiefs have definitely started the brighter of the two teams in the second half. Some powerful rolling mauls have seen them penetrate deep into Irish territory. Yet another rolling maul finds Exeter crashing over the Irish try line! Small, unhappy with the grounding, calls the team back for a 5m scrum. Irish are very much on the back foot.

punchy123 Sep 9

comon exe

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

And referee Small blows his whistle bringing this tightly contested 40 minutes of play to a close. Irish lead at the break by 10 points to 9. Nothing between the sides here this afternoon. The game perhaps dominated by a lack of discipline at the breakdown, but that's not to be taken away from some excellent passages of play on both sides. Most notably from the home side in securing the first and only try of the game thus far. Some accurate kicking from Steenson (3 from 4) is keeping his side well and truly in the game. His opposite number, Ian Humphreys (1 from 3), will evidently be looking for a better performance with the boot in the second 40 minutes of play. But with the margin at 1 point, all is to play for in this second half so stay tuned!

William Travmanovich Travers Sep 9

C'mon lads bring home the points!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to Irish! Having regained the ball following the restart. Tom Johnson, lucky to be still on the pitch, is penalised for leading with the forearm on Fergus Mulchrone. Ian Humphreys however, sees his attempt fall just short of the uprights. Scores remain at 10-9.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Try to Irish! A series of pick-and-go's following the 5m scrum sees Nic Rouse touch down for his first try in London Irish colours. Humphreys steps up and adds the extras, putting the home side in the lead by 10-9.

John H. Sep 9
