Yellow Card | 25'
Clumsy play
Was it bad?
Yeah should be a red
far worse than Russells challenge and he got red and a ban
Is Kearney still down
Never a red Kearney landed in his back
consistency it was worse than Russell's in the 6n
Russell didn't get a red card. Both Yellows. Clumsy timing is all
If it was similar to Russell then yellow... Just get on with the game... Come on bath
No way is it a red guys not like he tackled him in the air was just a **** attempt to jump for the ball just clumsy
For what
No way is it red, but agreed that Russell was innocent!
what happened
It woz a red card. It woz quite deliberate. U r all wrong. Bath fella got away wit it coz the ref had a poor performance.