Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

At half-time the Saxons are in front. Momentum has shifted somewhat after a first quarter dominated by the Irish. The Saxons began to gather structure and rhythm in the closing ten minutes of the first half, whilst the Irish lost some of their earlier intensity. Scrum is proving a terrific contest between the two sides, and the Irish pack are causing trouble for the English at line-out time.

Killian McStay Jan 1

Is there any radio stations broadcasting the game?

Dave C Jan 1

Nothing wrong per se. I just don't rate him as an international 13. And with the quality of other "go forward" players on the field, it's painful to say he's been the most effective. Didn't mean too much malice.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

What's wrong with Earls?

Shane McElveen Jan 1

Burges seems out of his depth!

Gregor B. Jan 1

Daly took the kick

Gregor B. Jan 1

I agree Dave

Ashley Psnl Saunter Jan 1

Burges do your thang!

Gregor B. Jan 1

Jim the breakdown has been awful

Tony Kehoe Jan 1

Daly missed that kick