Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Full time in Paris, and its France who take victory over Scotland in what was an extremely scrappy game. Neither team will be happy with the level of performance, as the handling and accuracy on show was not up to par. Scotland will be happy with the level of performance and desire shown, but as is so often the case, a lack of killer instinct really cost them in the end. Thanks for following with us on Ultimate Rugby, see you next time

Gregor B. Feb 2

France played shocking they were given the scraps of Scotland's mistakes

King Craig Alan Imber Feb 2

Finn Russell has played exceptionally well!

Jordan S. Feb 2

Russell should of been man of the match

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lopez splits the posts, and that should be that

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Horne goes back to collect but Scotland are eventually pinged for holding on. Penalty in front of the posts for Lopez, should secure the game

Otto Saxon-Stone Feb 2

Blair Cowan just lost Scotland the game

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ball goes wide, Bennett loses possession and Huget hacks the ball down the field.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

LO on the 22, Scotland secure possession and maul

Pearce Gallagher Feb 2
