Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales have possession in their own 22 and clear their lines but they miss touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales win a penalty at the lineout and kick to touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

England get a great shove at the scrum and earn a penalty

Cindy Lee Miles Feb 2

Sounds like James G has had a good game

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

England knock the ball on at the lineout and Wales have a scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales attack through the middle off the scrum but are penalised and Grayson kicks to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

They fail to hit touch but force an England knock on

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales win a penalty and kick to touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A great kick chase by England forces Wales back into their 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales loose the ball forward and Redpath kicks down field