Makalio throws in well and Mako maul
Mako looking dangerous as they attempt the cross the field with their attack. The ref brings the ball back to a previous advantage as Slade fails to roll away
Havili carries the ball to the ten metre mark of Manukau
Kuridrani receives it off of Kerr and he clears it downfield as Mako make their attack once again
Fainga'anuku knocks the ball on as Mako send it wide. A scrum to the hosts just inside their own 22
Christie sends it out from the scrum and Mako play the hands
Nanai-Seturo attempts an intercept but knocks it on, leading to a Mako scrum on the Manukau 22
Makalio's throw in is good once again and Frizell carries it out
Mako shift their play to the left of the field where they are awarded with a penalty as Manukau fail to release in the tackle
Kerr attempts a cross kick but hands possession over to the Mako