Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The teams are out the second half kicks off!

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Clermont go into the break with a narrow lead. The home side have had chances to extend the lead but the TMO has ruled out a few points in the first half.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

On the first scrum of the game and it goes to ASM.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The solid maul from ASM, but they lose it and its Wisniewski who finds touch again.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lyon find touch again and this time Jedrasiak who goes forward trying to fly this ball in the air.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The action caused damage in Lyon, in addition to the test, it was the Ngatai the center which got hurt.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wisniewski knocks over a penalty from 50m out.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lyon play on the open side, still in the middle of the field and forward pass from Wisniewski who wanted to extend to the outside.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lyon get in possession of the ball on their 22m and manage to clear it through Wisniewski. It stays in the air, and Barraque responds with another kick. Clermont is then sent back to his own half.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

ASM recive the kick and move it up the middle of the field. After a few phases they get the ball to Raka who accelerates down the left side.