top 14
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Montpellier chasers in front of the kicker. Scrum halfway for Castre.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

After 3 resets Castre are awarded a penalty and opt for the posts.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

After a powerful chase from a kick Castre win the ball back and are awarded a scrum just outside the Montpellier 22.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Teams exchange kick, Castre Immelman retains possession before a strong turnover by Montpellier..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty for offside and they opt to go for the posts

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

They setup a maul

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to Montpellier and they kick to touch on the 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Montpellier kick ahead and Castres return firs to touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Montpellier up to halfway now as Darmon breaks the gainline

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

22 dropout to Montpellier and they kick long